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Education related volunteer opportunities in Cusco, Peru
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Please note: The volunteer programs below are applicable only to students of Amauta Language School in Cusco. Some of these programs may require fees to participate. Please contact us for more information

(This Project is closed from mid December through the second week of April.)

Description : Organization that offers special education at primary and elementary level as well as practical training for older children and adults in skills such as carpentry and dressmaking.

Activities: Assist in a class working with deaf and mentally disabled children, help develop educational materials, assist in practical projects

teaching kids how to do such things as wash and iron clothes, cook,

sew, weave, garden, grocery shop and organize recreational

activities. There is also the possibility to work as physiotherapist,

psychologist, social worker or speech therapist.

Requirements: Enthusiasm for working with handicapped children.

Minimum: 4 weeks.

Spanish: Intermediate.

Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8am - 1pm.

Capacity: The institution is able to accommodate up to 2 volunteers.


(This project is closed from half December until the second week of April)

Description : An education and play center where 4 and 5 year old school children

and their teachers from different schools come to play and work with

the special resources. There are different areas in which the children

can play and learn: audio and visual media, logic and mathematics,

personal and social skills and articulation.

Activities: Assist children and their teachers in organizing activities and

developing new teaching materials. The government has stopped the

funding for salaries for the Ludoteca, so experienced volunteers are

asked to work in the Ludoteca independently. Also, work at the

Ludoteca can be combined with work at the kindergarten next door

Requirements: Creativity, patience and enthusiasm for working with small children.

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8.45am – 12:30 pm

Capacity: Maximum of 2 volunteers at a time


(This project is closed from mid December through the second week of April.)

Description : Kindergarten for 4 and 5 year old children. There are two classrooms of about 35 children each. A class assistant is needed to help the teachers. There are a lot of class materials on hand and the school is

right next door to the Ludoteca (SE3).

Activities: Assist the children and their teachers. Work at the kindergarten can be combined with work at the Ludoteca next door.

Requirements: You must be creative, patient and enthusiastic when working with children.

Minimum: 4 weeks.

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday, 8.45 am – 12:30 pm.

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time, 1 in each classroom.


(This project is closed from half December until the second week of April)

Description : Institute that offers alternative schooling - Kindergarten, Primary and

Secondary - to children from all social levels. Parents pay a school

fee according to their means so that poor children have the

opportunity to receive the same education as children from other

social levels. There is also an educational services center where new

educational materials are developed.

Activities: Pukllasunchis would like to share their knowledge and resources with

other institutes. Volunteers will go to one of the schools in or around

Cusco that lack sufficient materials and knowledge. There are

schools in Cusco, but also in the Sacred Valley and the jungle, near

Puerto Maldonado. During the first weeks you will prepare new

educational materials in the workshop. After this, you will take the

new materials to a school and work with both the teachers and the

children showing them how to use these materials.

Requirements: Able to work independently and create educational materials.

Minimum: 6 months

Spanish: High Intermediate

Schedule: During the preparation workshop, the schedule is flexible. The

following weeks the schedule runs from 8am till 1pm.

Capacity: 2 volunteers, each working at a different school


(During the period of January - April, there is the possibility of the building being


Description : Home for boys between the ages of 8 and 19. Trade workshops are

provided for the children, such as carpentry, shoe making, sewing,

etc. If you have any particular type of skills that you want to share

with the children, they are always willing and eager to learn. A Dutch

NGO built a small study center with enough books, study material

and computers to encourage the children to study.

Activities: Helping out with homework, organizing sports and creative activities

and giving English classes. Also organizing workshops, such as

cooking and carpentry.

Requirements: Enthusiasm for working with small children

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday, from 8 - 12 am and from 2 -6 pm

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time


Description : After school project for poor children. Every day, about 120 children visit the project, their ages ranging from 3 -17. There is a small

library where children can do their homework and three other rooms

where various workshops are organized, such as medicinal plants,

cooking or painting. In the mornings the project organizes an Early

stimulation Program for children up to 5 years old.

Activities: Help children with their homework, play with them, organize

recreational and creative activities and assist in workshops. Most

help is needed in the Early Stimulation program.

Requirements: Able to work independently and enthusiasm for working with children.

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday from 8:30 am till 12:30 am or 4.30pm till


Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time


Description : Project for street children and working children, situated very close to the city center. Most of the children sell sweets and postcards or work as shoe shiners. Not all of them go to school. In the project they can meet other children, relax, eat and learn. There are also

workshops on self-esteem, hygiene and aids prevention.

Activities: Help children with their homework, play with them, organize

recreational and creative activities and assist in workshops.

Requirements: Flexibility and ability to work independently.

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday from 5-8 pm

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time


Description : Shelter for street children about 40 minutes from the city center (part of the project mentioned above). The home offers a bed and

food to 17 boys that before lived in the streets. Most of the boys

used to be drug addicts or pickpockets. The shelter is situated in a

small village where the boys go to school. In the afternoons they do

homework and work in the green house. The home also keeps some


Activities: Help the boys with their homework and organizing creative

workshops and sport activities. You can also help in the green house

and on the land or organize carpentry workshops. There is also a lot

of work to be done in the construction of the building.

Requirements: Flexibility and ability to work independently.

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9 am till 4 pm

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time


Description : An after-school project for children. Most of the children come from families whose parents work at the market. INABIF offers education and helps the children with their homework. Besides this, the project also offers extra activities like painting, music, dancing and sports.

Activities: Due to a shortage of money, INABIF cannot pay the salaries to all the personnel needed. Volunteers are needed to help the children

with their homework, organize creative workshops and sports and

teach the children about other cultures.

Requirements: Enthusiasm for working with children. Preference is given to volunteers with experience in working with children, such as

teachers. A plan on what you would like to do with the children

needs to be submitted before you start your volunteer work.

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Variable, either mornings or afternoons from Monday through Friday

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time


Description : Juvenile Hall for boys between the ages of 10 and 18. The boys participate in different workshops, such as carpentry, tailoring,

shoemaking, helping out on the land and caring for animals. Sports

are very important to them and lots of physical activities are


Activities: Teach English, organize sports and creative workshops.

Requirements: Enthusiasm to teach; maturity and understanding needed to handle this challenging environment.

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday, approximately 4 hours per day, preferably mornings

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time



Description : Project in a small jungle village that offers room and board to 30 boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 18. The children come

from small communities and attend school in Mazuko. There is a

piece of land where the children cultivate coffee and fruits in an

ecological way and a legal advice center for people who need social

and legal support.

Activities: The quality of education is poor and help in the school is sincerely appreciated. Volunteers can help in the classroom as well as

introduce new educational materials and ideas. They can also teach

English. The school runs from 8am until 12:30pm. In the afternoons

and evenings volunteers can help the children with their homework

and teach them other useful skills, like financial administration,

carpentry and cooking. Also, creative workshops like music, theatre

or sports can be organized. Volunteers can also help on the land,

work in construction or develop publicity materials.

Requirements: The project prefers volunteers with experience in one of the fields mentioned above. Be aware that you will be living in a very small

village with only a few facilities.

Minimum: 12 weeks, preferably longer

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Variable

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time

Others: Room and board paid for by Amauta. Volunteer pays for return ticket to Cusco at the cost of approx. $120 and lasts approx. 30 minutes by plane.


Description : The women’s jail of Cusco is a medium security prison which holds more than 30 inmates between the ages of 20 and 45. Their crimes

range from robberies to terrorism up to homicide. Most of the

women are illiterate.

Activities: Teach English, computing, music and other creative workshops.

Requirements: The project prefers volunteers with experience in one of the fields mentioned above. Strong personality and a lot of initiative is

necessary. Help is greatly wanted and appreciated!

Minimum: 12 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Variable

Capacity: 2 volunteer at a time


Description : A relatively new after school project. About 40 up to 60 children aged between 3 and 15 years old who otherwise would not have a place to go or would have been working or hanging around, attend

this project in the afternoons. Through the organization of different

kind of workshops, the project tries to improve the quality of life for

children and adolescents in the marginalized urban areas of Cusco.

The project consists of one big room at about 20 minutes from the

city center.

Activities: Help children with their homework, play educational games, teach English, organize physical activities, take them for walks and

organize creative workshops.

Requirements: Motivation and enthusiasm for working with children, being able to work independently.

Minimum: 4 weeks.

Spanish: Intermediate.

Schedule: Monday through Friday from 3 till 6:30 pm.

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time.


 (This project is closed from mid December through the second week of April.)

Description :  A kindergarten that provides education for about 60 children between the ages of 4 and 5. The school consists of 2 classrooms, a small playground, a small kitchen, and bathrooms. The school is located at about 30 minutes walking distance from the city center.

Activities: Be a class assistant, help children with their homework, teach

English, organize physical activities and take them for walks.

Requirements: Self motivation and enthusiasm for working with children

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am till 1 pm

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time


Description : An after school project, started only two years ago. About 50 children aged between 4 and 16 years attend this project in the mornings and in the afternoons. Through the organization of workshops and by helping the children with their homework the project tries to improve the quality of life for children and adolescents in the marginalized urban areas of Cusco. The project consists of one big room and a small library at about 20 minutes walking distance from the city center.

Activities: Help children with their homework, teach English, organize creative and physical activities and take them for walks.

Requirements: Self motivation and enthusiasm for working with children, being able to work independently.

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9 till 12 am and/ or 3 till 6 pm.

Capacity: 4 volunteers at a time.


Description : An after school project, started only two years ago. About 30 children aged between 4 and 16 years old, who otherwise would not have a place to go or would have been working or hanging around in the streets, attend the project in the afternoons. Through the organization of different kind of workshops, the project tries to improve the quality of life for children and adolescents in the marginalized urban areas of Cusco. The project consists of two small rooms and a kitchen.

Activities: Help children with their homework, organize physical or creative activities and take them for walks.

Requirements: Motivation and enthusiasm for working with children and ability to

work independently.

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Monday through Friday from 4 till 7 pm

Capacity: 2 volunteers at a time


Description : Local sports organization that offers facilities and training for all kinds of sports to the whole population of Cusco. Most popular sports

are Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Table Tennis, Aerobics, soccer,

volleyball and basketball.

Activities: Training, coaching and organizing sports tournaments for poor

children from different schools and projects that are invited to the

sport fields of the club.

Requirements: Being sportive and enthusiastic to teach and train children.

Minimum: 4 weeks

Spanish: Intermediate

Schedule: Flexible

Capacity: 3 volunteers at a time

For questions about our language immersion programs abroad, please contact us at
or call us at
toll free 1-877-689-9970
or from outside North America at +1-480-767-1789