Language Skills Abroad

Gap year opportunity

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Gap year opportunity
Study Arabic Abroad
Study Chinese Abroad
Study French Abroad
Study German Abroad
Study Italian Abroad
Study Russian Abroad
Study Spanish Abroad
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I would like to spend my gap year studying...
     Arabic          French        German   
                                  Italian        Russian       Spanish  


Gap year is a great time to expand one's personal horizons before returning to school and getting back into the swing of higher education!
Students taking their gap year can receive a 10% discount from the cost of their program provided that they study abroad in a language institution organized by Language Skills Abroad for a period of 6 months or more and that they provide Language Skills Abroad with a copy of their graduation certificate showing that they have graduated from either high school, community college, or graduate school no more than 6 months prior to the start of their language program.
Students are not confined to studying at one school the entire time either! If you want to experience more than one language, more than one culture, and want to study at various schools around the world during your gap year, the 10% discount will apply to the total cost of your program if all locations in which you study amount to a 6 month period or more!
Don't forget to mention in the comments field of your registration that your program is part of your gap year experience in order to receive your 10% discount.

For questions about our language immersion programs abroad, please contact us at
or call us at
toll free 1-877-689-9970
or from outside North America at +1-480-767-1789