With all the various agencies available, why should I go through Language
Skills Abroad? Well here are just a few answers to that question. We are confident that after reviewing the facts, you will
agree that we are the number one choice for studying abroad.
1. High Quality Schools: Language Skills Abroad
only works with schools that have established a good reputation for their language program. Our schools have been providing quality
language programs for many years and have a consistently satisfied clientele.
2. Flexibile Schedule: Our schools allow study
abroad to be feasible to even the busiest person. Language Skills Abroad offers programs that run in increments as short
as one week and are year round. This means that students can study abroad for as long or as short a time as they need and
can come back to study abroad whenever they can, to pick up where they left off. study abroad
3. Flexible Program Options: With the various
locations available, students who wish to expose themselves to more than one culture can coordinate a program to study abroad
in more than one location. Language Skills Abroad will be happy to help you with that.
4. Cultural Lessons: Though the main focus is
to learn a language, our schools also provide extracurricular activities to enhance your experience. You can learn to dance
a latin dance such as salsa, merengue, or tango; learn to cook the native dishes, go to a museum, watch a sport with the locals,
as well as many activites to keep you busy learning about the culture.
5. PRICE: Language Skills Abroad offers
the least expensive programs around. Seriously, do the homework and check it out for yourself! No other agency will be able
to beat our prices... and if they can, we'll beat theirs! Why is Language Skills Abroad the least expensive study abroad
program compared to the other agencies? Well it's not because our services aren't as good, that's for sure. In fact, we offer
the same study abroad services as most other agencies do. Some have an onsite advisor when you get to the school to help you
coordinate your excursions, but that's not worth the hundreds of dollars more that they charge. Especially when the schools
are just as helpful in offering the exact same service just for being enrolled. So what is the difference? We do not
charge you for coordinating your program. We do all the work to organize your study abroad program and let you sit back and
use our expertise at no charge to you.
6. No Hidden Costs: Not only are we the
least expensive, but we at Language Skills Abroad also don't charge you any last minute hidden fees that students don't find out about until they start the registration
process. There are only 2 types of fees which a student through Language Skills Abroad could possibly incur:
There is a $35 bank charge which is the cost we incur when we
process payment, and those who require invitations for visas, will usually need to pay a processing fee to cover the
cost of obtaining the invitation. These are costs a student could incur regardless of which company
they use or even if they decide not to use the expert help of an agency! But with Language Skills Abroad, you are not
sending any additional fees directly into our pockets. We do alot for you but we won't make you pay for our services...
though we already mentioned that, it's worth repeating! There is a non refundable deposit, but it goes toward the cost
of your program. That's how much we really want you to experience the wonders of travel and study abroad in a foreign
culture. We don't want price to deter anyone from getting to have this great experience.
If you still have questions, you can contact Language Skills Abroad by phone or e-mail so we may assit you
in any possible way in your endeavor to study abroad.