Location: The Spanish Language School in Cusco is located just a short walk from the Plaza De Armas. This
square has many cafes and restaurants and is located near outdoor markets.
School Size: The Cusco campus has 12 classrooms with a maximum capacity for about 50 students.
Class Size: The maximum class size is 6 students.
Minimum age: 15
Timing: Peak season starts in May and runs through the summer. It is best to register as much in advance
as possible to assure space in the program if you intend to study during that time.
Start Dates: Classes begin on any monday of the year unless it falls on a holiday. Classes that fall on
a holiday will not be made up, however a fun activity will be held in its place.
Holidays: Classes will not be held on the following holidays: Jan 1, Apr 9, May 1, Jun 24, Jul 28, Nov
1, Dec 24, 25 & 31
Duration: Classes run in weekly increments beginning on Monday and ending on Friday for 4 hours of instruction.
Classes can begin as early as 8 am and end as late as 8:30 pm. Class times depend on the level and will be determined only
upon arrival and placement.
Content: Materials such as overhead projectors, videos, and other audio-visual materials are used as a
support function. Visits to locations such as the market, a school or a hospital, may be arranged during class. A large part
of the study material are practical activities and exercises through which the students will learn to understand and speak
Spanish progressively. Study of grammar such as theory and practice are also included. Students can expect to complete exercises
to extend vocabulary and improve pronunciation; focus on development of listening, writing and reading comprehension, through
using newspapers, songs and local literature; and participate in guided conversation, role playing and debates.
Books: The Spanish Language School in Cusco works with its own Latin America-orientated text books which
form the basis of the course, in combination with other materials (e.g. newspapers, songs, literature, cassettes, videos,
grammar exercises etc.)
Homework: Homework is not assigned unless the teacher feels that the students need to reinforce a particular
lesson with additional practice.
College Credit: College
credit can be issued based on pre-approval
from your university. Contact the admissions office, study abroad office or Spanish
department of your college before applying to COINED.
Schools Features: The Cusco campus offers students the option to live in the residence which is part of
the campus allowing a 1 minute walk to class. There is a breakfast room and a terrace where students can take breaks, as well
as a kitchen in which to prepare snacks. The Cusco campus also has an onsite internet facility.
Excursions/Activities: The Spanish Language School in Cusco offers its students lectures
on Peruvian Culture and History, movies, a welcome dinner, and excursions to all the various attractions in Peru. Excursions
and some activities are provided at an additional cost. Amuata works in conjunction with a travel agency that can help make
arrangements for various excursions such as a city tour, visits to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Machu Picchu, as well as
help organize exciting activities like river rafting and horseback riding.