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French Language School in Paris, France

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Founded in 1976, The French Language School in Paris organizes excellent French language programs which are taught by multi-lingual teachers who are specially trained in teaching French as a foreign language. The French language school offers the opportunity to study French in both Paris as well as Nice.

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Location: The French Language School in Paris is just a few steps away from the famous Place Victor Hugo and just a short walk from the ever famous Champs Elysees. It is 10 minutes away from the Etoile as well as the Trocadero. This section of Paris is renown for its assortment of cafes, bars and shops which line the streets.


School Size: The size of the French language school in Paris varies on the time of year. During the peak season, the Paris campus rents more space to accommodate the increased number of students and then goes back to using only the original office space when the peak season is over.

Class Size: Group classes include between 8 and 12 students.

Minimum age: 17

Timing: The peak season is summer so make sure to register early if you would like to take classes during this time.

Start Dates: Classes at the French Language School in Paris begin on any Monday of the year unless you are a beginner or if there is a holiday. Please contact us if you are a complete beginner and would like to know the start dates for 2006.

Holidays: April 17, May 1, May 8, May 25, June 5, July 14, August 15, November 1, November 11, December 25 of 2006. Classes missed on these days will neither be refunded nor made up.

Duration: Each course starts on a Monday and ends on a Friday. The minimum course length is one week. There is no maximum length. Students can study either 20, 30, or 40 lessons per week. Each lesson is 45 minutes.

Courses can be started in Nice and continued in Paris or vice-versa. The following are the possible course times. Course times will be assigned upon arrival by level.

20 lessons per week: Monday through Friday 1:30 pm to 4:45 pm or 1:45 pm-5 pm or 4:15 to 7:30 pm

30 lessons per week: Tuesday through Friday 8: 45 am-12:45 pm AND Monday through Friday 1:45 pm-3 pm

40 lessons per week: Tuesday through Friday 8: 45 am-12:45 pm AND Monday through Friday 1:45 pm-5 pm


Content: Accent on speaking and listening skills all while improving the student's written skills.

Relaxed and lively atmosphere where students feel free to actively participate, express their views, in role play and simulations. Oral and written exercises are used daily to learn or review grammar. Pronunciation is corrected according to each ones needs.

Books: Text books cost 25 Euros and must be paid for upon arrival. France Langue uses 6 books depending on the level of the class : Forum 1, 2, 3 and Taxi 1,2,3

Homework: Sometimes teachers give some home work it can take between 15 minutes up to 1 hour.

Schools Features: The school offers students a cafeteria and internet access.

College Credit: Check with your university to see if academic credit can be granted for studying at France Langue. If you need more information to provide to your advisor, please contact us.

Excursions/Activities: France Langue organizes guided tours Monday through Friday. The school offers excursions every 2 weeks, and accompanies the students to see a show an average of once per week.


Additional Programs: France Langue offers many fun and exciting programs in addition to the Language programs. Students can study French art history, Business French, Legal French, French with an emphasis on hotel and tourism, as well as internship opportunities in France. Click here for more information about additional programs.

Accommodations: Students can opt to stay in a residence, host family, or a hotel. Click here for more information about accommodation options.

Day care: Students with children are responsible for finding day care for their children. Host families do not offer daycare services.

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toll free 1-877-689-9970
or from outside North America at +1-480-767-1789