Location: El Sol Language School is in Miraflores, the cultural and entertainment heart of the city.
It is only a short walk from the main square and close to dozens of restaurants, cafes, stores, parks and hotels. El
sol language school study abroad
School Size: El Sol has 15 classrooms. El sol language school study
Class size: The maximum number of students per class at El Sol is 5 but the average number of students
per class tends to be about 3.
Timing: Peak season is in the summer so make sure to register early if you intend to visit this summer.
Minimum age: 16 El sol language school study abroad
Start dates: Classes start on any Monday of the year unless it falls on a holiday. El
sol language school study abroad
Holidays: January 1st New Years day, April 8, 9 Easter, June 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, July 28, 29,
August 30, October 8, November 1, December 8. El sol language school study abroad
Duration: Classes run in weekly increments beginning on a Monday and ending on a Friday from 9 am until
1 pm.
Content: Students will learn the rules of Spanish grammar through practical lessons and written and spoken
exercises followed by 2 hours of conversation which focus on developing comprehension, accuracy, writing, and pronunciation.
The semi-intensive course includes a weekly field trip taken during the class on Thursday that is related to a cultural theme
being covered in class.El sol language school study
Books: Books were created using several different sources by the school to fit the specific teaching
needs of El Sol's curriculum.
School Features: The building has 7 classrooms, a small lending library, multimedia equipment for classroom
use, main hall for group events, and free tea, coffee, and purified water.
College Credit: Contact your advisor to determine whether or not this program is eligible for academic credit.
Curriculum information can be provided upon request. El sol language school study abroad.
Excursions/Activities: The school offers activities 5 days per week which include Latin
movie night, cooking classes, dance classes, and 2 excursions per week. Students can meet as a group at the school on Thursday
and follow routes of interest close to the school. These routes will illustrate Lima’s culture, commerce and history.
Some examples of excursions include going to downtown Lima; Fortaleza Real Felipe; La Huaca Pucclana (archeological site),
Purruchuco (archeological site); the zoo, and a walking tour of Miraflores. l sol language school study abroad